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Edited by SergeantDoc: 8/25/2015 4:00:08 PM

Feedback on Players

I'm providing feedback on the users here. That works right? Don't even think about responding if you haven't read the whole thread. 1) If you don't play Destiny, leave. 2)If you've got more than five days of play time, you can't complain about not having enough to do. This game doesn't have a sub. You can stop whenever you want. 3)Literally no one cares about your public announcement that you're leaving. 4)Feedback forum is for [b]Feedback[/b] not your buyers remorse. 5)This game was always advertised as being able to change and evolve. It is not our (or Bungies) fault you can't read or gave into the hype. 6)Do you really think that year one weapons should last forever? In EVERY story there is progression. How would Fatebringer always be stronger than a new more powerful enemy? 7)No, Bungie are not liars, no they are not cheats. [b]You[/b] are [i]supposedly[/i] a sentient entity. You are [i]supposedly[/i] capable of rational thought. Use it. I don't see an uproar of over the sports games that shut down servers after a year or two. I am an Alpha player. I love Destiny. I have had plenty of gripes over the last year that I have voiced here and in r/Destinythegame. There is no sub to this game. You purchased the game on its own merit. You've had plenty of time to return it, to sell it, to trade it. If you're someone that has a week of play time you've been [b]more[/b] than aware of the way changes work in this game. If you don't like the game is working our then [i]quit playing[/i]. You act like you're forced to or something. ESO is $40 right now. Go buy it and play it. All four Destiny consoles receive free games every month. Play them. Stop acting like your every individual whim is a command from God that has to be implemented. You paid $60 just like every one else. You are not a snowflake. I paid $150. I'm just a slightly bigger snowflake. tldr; Your ego is showing and it's embarrassing.

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