Seems like that will be all for today! What are your guys' thoughts overall?
Titan Helmet : Empirean Bellicose
*Aiming down your sights while in mid air will hold you in place for a short period of time.
*Picking up Orbs even after your super is charged will cool down your melee.
Shotgun: The Chaperone
*Single Slug (No Spread) Agility Boost while equipped.
*Precision kills with this weapon grant a brief increase to Range, Rate of Fire, and Stability.
Warlock Chest: Alchemist's Raiment
*Collecting Primary Ammo will give you a chance to collect glimmer.
*Picking up orbs after your super is fully charged recharge your grenades and melee.
Fusion Rifle: Teleso
*Fusion Rifle will attach projectiles to your foes and detonate with a delayed void blast.
*Multi-Kills with this weapon generate orbs of light.
Hunter Gaunlets: Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
*Additional Melee Charge.
*Melee Damage has a chance to reload your primary weapon.
Heavy Fusion Rifle: Sleeper Simulant
*Fusion Rifle equipped on Heavy Weapon Slot.
*Laser tears through enemies and ricochets off hard surfaces.
As someone who mains a warlock and pretty much always has 25k glimmer that chest piece is dumb as hell.
Glimmer farming exotic?! New exclusion zone confirmed Nolanbot: Access key? I don't need an access key...... ok sparrow enabled we're good to go!
Titan helmet should read "Grants your Titan Angel of Light".
Amazing cosmetics. They armor perks seem lackluster, but the weapons seem nice.
I'm amped for the slug shotgun
Well, at least the Warlock exotic is decent. The Titan helmet is disgraceful.
The weapons are amazing
Telesto looks sweet. Fusion with attaching projectiles that detonate with void and creates orbs for allies
Look awesome but i hope the Perks are good too
Edited by dngodsell: 8/25/2015 6:10:45 PMThe shotgun SUCKS. I [b][i][u]never[/u][/i][/b] get headshots with shotguns. It is too rare for a perk that requires precision kills. Never mind, it's a slug
Edited by Swiftlock: 8/25/2015 7:35:54 PMI'm starting to feel like Bungie is afraid of implementing powerful exotics that will upset balance even further. So far, the new exotics are things that I would use for fun, which is nice, but... where are the serious exotics that will actually help me in max-difficulty raids or Trials of Osiris, y'know?
So do the projectiles actually do damage or just the explosion thing
They all suck compare to the old stuff! -blam!- this!
I will commend them for the fusion rifle. It has a Queen's Guard-isque look to it before I read the text. This would be a changer for the Thorn bounty if it were pre-TTK. Looks fun!
So far all new exotics are a bit lack luster Starting to detect a pattern
Tbh I am excited for that shotgun. Its exactly what I wished there was in this game. Because now I can shoot shit without weapon spread. Better than shotpackage
I'm starting to feel like bungie is making up crap perks for theses new things
Edited by m00ninite: 8/25/2015 8:24:52 PMGlimmer gain for an exotic perk are you -blam!-ing kidding me? And please tell me Bungie wised up and will retroactively fix all orb pickup perks to still function when you have a full Super. The way it works now is absolutely terrible and makes me avoid those perks almost all the time. I understand you can just use your Super and then pick them all back up, but especially when running Fireborn in difficult content, I would prefer to save the Super but still actually gain some benefits.
The chaperone is felwinter incarnate
Great yet [b]another shit exotic[/b]
So titans get angel of light? Maybe they'll find a use for it because warlocks never have.
Wow these are all super mediocre
The chest piece that increases glimmer. That perk is known as the smith effect. When your guardian picks up glimmer, your guardian throws money at the screen. Bungie is currently trying to fix it.
Really? That's the helm you show off? Wow Bungie that is one crappy perk. Honestly you should be embarrassed at how bad you are at creating exotics. What a stupid -blam!-ing perk. I can't remember one time where I wished I could float in the air and shoot. Simply go home Bungie, you're clearly drunk.
"We value your time..." - Bungie. Instantly makes exotic specifically for farming and wasting time.