Seems like that will be all for today! What are your guys' thoughts overall?
Titan Helmet : Empirean Bellicose
*Aiming down your sights while in mid air will hold you in place for a short period of time.
*Picking up Orbs even after your super is charged will cool down your melee.
Shotgun: The Chaperone
*Single Slug (No Spread) Agility Boost while equipped.
*Precision kills with this weapon grant a brief increase to Range, Rate of Fire, and Stability.
Warlock Chest: Alchemist's Raiment
*Collecting Primary Ammo will give you a chance to collect glimmer.
*Picking up orbs after your super is fully charged recharge your grenades and melee.
Fusion Rifle: Teleso
*Fusion Rifle will attach projectiles to your foes and detonate with a delayed void blast.
*Multi-Kills with this weapon generate orbs of light.
Hunter Gaunlets: Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
*Additional Melee Charge.
*Melee Damage has a chance to reload your primary weapon.
Heavy Fusion Rifle: Sleeper Simulant
*Fusion Rifle equipped on Heavy Weapon Slot.
*Laser tears through enemies and ricochets off hard surfaces.
Ok so if Bungie were out to impress with this first reveal, i think they failed for the most part. The weapons look cool, and both have potential, but those armor parts, seriously wtf! A titan helm with a warlock perk, and not a good one at that. Might as well paint a sign saying "shoot me quick" in pvp. And a warlock glimmer farming robe? really? It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if Bungie know what the hell they are doing. I'm now more cautious than ever. And judging from the dreadnaught map i'm starting to get more than a little worried that this expansion is going to be all flash and no substance.
Too bad fusions are getting nerfed
The gauntlets and robe are sexy. That fusion and shotty gonna be putting in work. Ok, i'm digging it bungie keep it up. Now, i'm hoping they reveal a tracking machine gun, and i'm set.
Let's hope the 3rd perk for them are awesome and hopefully they are holding out on the "good stuff"
That fusion rifle will be a PvE destroyer!
The new Exotics are amazing so far!
I am so gonna get those gauntlets
Congrats on giving Destiny an extra 75,000 followers on Instagram in less than 24hrs!!!
Am I the only one who hates the way the shotty looks?
So far no real standouts
Warlocks get some extra cash. Titans get to float. Hunters get another ridiculous PvP exotic. I DON'T WANT TO PLAY MY HUNTER ANYMORE. STOP IT BUNGIE.
Edited by highscore832: 8/25/2015 9:40:00 PMMonte Carlo for days with that hunter arm piece
"Alright, this is for all you Titans out there. We know how you feel left out, other non-Titans having the ability you really want. And so we are proud to announce that you Titans will finally have what my favorite class, the warlock, has always had. Angel of Light!" -DeeJ
So far the only non-shit exotic showcased is the fusion rifle.
Wonder how many people changed their minds and want their year 1 exotics back. When you have a company that has no creativity when it comes to weapons and gear this is what you get. The saddest part is one day most of you will complain and get this new gear nerfed too. [spoiler] Have I ever told you the definition of insanity [/spoiler]
Another weapon soon. Can't wait.
looks like they all suck. except for the fusion rifle and shotgun.
The hunter gauntlets don't sound that great at first but with nightstalker out it will probably be pretty good. Dual smoke bombs sounds pretty fun in crucible. They're not that great sounding for the current classes though.
Pls bump
Edited by CheeseSando: 8/25/2015 9:06:10 PMReally bungie? We help the Hunters with a crucible relevant perk? Titans - float whimsically Warlock - robe that has money thrown at it Hunters - a way to use melee to reload your primary weapon. Not enough? Have an additional melee to try again. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking a bungie!
Are the new hunter gaunlets the upgrades version of the old ahamakara gaunlets?
Seems like they are really pushing for Orbs in TTK. Warlock robes will be good combined with Self Res. Sit on your Res while rapidly cooling your Grenade and Melee. That Telesto though! Hope it's still good after the Fusions get nerfed to hell [b]again[/b].
God I hope these aren't the exotic perk listed. Nothing Useful at all. This was my biggest worry that they are going to make old exotics obsolete and replace them with mediocre ones. Bad Job so far. The Fusion sounds fun... A charged Needler perhaps?
Has anyone else noticed that the titan helm is just a flat texture? I really hope it is 3d in game
Someone bump for me please