Really? That's the helm you show off? Wow Bungie that is one crappy perk.
Honestly you should be embarrassed at how bad you are at creating exotics. What a stupid -blam!-ing perk.
I can't remember one time where I wished I could float in the air and shoot.
Simply go home Bungie, you're clearly drunk.
How about the nightfall modifier where you do more damage while airborne?
[quote]How about the nightfall modifier where you do more damage while airborne?[/quote]yes, because floating in air protects you from enemy fire. I know when I'm being shot at from all angles, jumping in the air to do more damage is my strategy.
I'm just saying there are uses for it and I'm sure someone out there will find it useful other than that everyone has their own strategies and opinions and are entitled to them respectively
Yeah, angel of light is probably the least used perk for warlocks... So they decide its exotic worthy for a titan helm? Lol.
Go snipe with angel of light. It's actually pretty good.
I will kill you in 1 sec, easy kill.
The exotic auto rifle has the same perk lol Copy & paste
No it doesn't. We saw it in use, but for all we know the guy was wearing the helmet. That would make more sense wouldn't it?
But the perk that activated when he began to float said something along the lines of "Overcharged" I believe. Makes more sense that it'd be associated with an arc auto rifle than a a magical helmet considering it hints towards electricity.
Bungie aren't that stupid. I'm pretty sure that the rifle chains rounds or something. Why would they give a rifle angel of light? It would be pointless for warlocks and then the helmet would be useless.
I'm just pointing out what I saw.
Agreed. Helmet perk is total shit.
Titan helmet is giving the same perk as warlock sunsinger Angel of light, actually a half decent perk especially in PvP with sniper.
I can see the theoretical benefit, but from a practical stand point I wouldn't hold my breath on it being that useful. At the very least warlocks have had the perk for a whole year prior and it is still rarely used.
Agreed, but most players would rather have the gift of the sun perk with extra grenade on sunsinger, I do know several people who can play with angel of light quite skillfully though.
Says the .77 KD warlock... Maybe that tactic is not working.
If you have to look up peoples stats to dismiss their clearly truthful arguments, then you are bad and should feel bad. The perk works well when trying sniper.
Says the guy who has worse PVP stats. Only an idiot would float in the air to snipe. Sorry but at least be a decent player prior to making stupid remarks.
Does it look like I -blam!-ing care what you think of my K/D? ''Only an idiot'' No, a good player would.
As a PvP expert, if you try to use Angel of Light against me you will get killed in 1 sec, good luck with it.
Clearly you don't care about winning either.
Um no sorry tard but just no. Ever heard of the head glitch? Do you understand why people do it? Good people don't like being exposed. Floating around in the air like a dumb ass = instant death. However you again comment when it's clear this conversation is above your understanding.
Which hand cannon is your go to in PvP?
Mixture of everything. Thorn Last Word A little of Jewel However my fav weapon is the messenger.