Let me guess who you're talking about
[spoiler]I am entitled to one extra hint pls ;-;[/spoiler]
Is always psoting annoying sing along AMAs and potato chip threads
So scared that somebody is going to say me. But it's the best time to be as unknown and unpopular as I am...
Guy who used to shitpost amazingly but quit recently
A fgt
They look good in a vest.
Tis an spartan whom shares a name with a state and a city.
Has a tentacle fetish (⊙_⊙)
Is a homosexual
Jerks me till my knees r weak
Biggest ego on b.net.
The person who always says no to my guess's
Never stops re-quoting people
He ran for Fürher of Off-topic
He -blam!-s horses
Is kill
A spider.
The prettiest
Sickly, has fungus, is a zombie, has tentacles, speaks gibberish
The queen of gifs.
Posted nothing but a couple of memes on everybody's posts for like a week.
Probably smarter than all of us
Round 2. Has a thread to do with arousal.
No ones gonna use me but I'll use someone He name begins in B and ends in t