Yeah what's with the abilities that recharge the melee and grenade abilities while picking up orbs while your Super is full? I mean it's helpful, and I can't tell you how many times I would want the health regen on orb pickup to work while my super was full, but if that's gonna be a reoccurring perk for most of the new exotic armor, then it kinda has me worried that Bungie is running out of ideas.
It's only purpose is to obtain glimmer. If you don't need glimmer, don't use it... It's that simple
Watch it give you like 10 glimmer half the time you pick up primary ammo, its gonna suck. Plus glimmer is already super easy to get
Let's be honest. HoPF is the best exotic chest piece for sunsingers. Gonna be hard to top that one.
Glimmer farming lol
Looks cool but yea pretty useless. I haven't needed to glimmer farm since vanilla
True and do u never go on a spending spree for IB, trials, or reforging? Cause reforging is what really got me
Naw I don't do much pvp stuff but I have 1000s of radiant material and those glimmer things in the vault I don't think I will need to farm anytime soon