You aren't forced to pick up the orbs, or stay glimmer capped. You have a choice!
No ninja boy, don't defend a crap exotic. People see these for what they are... Crap... Orbs are for super nothing else matters. I can just see it, "sorry guys I had my super full when I ran over your orbs" "you don't have your super again?" "Nah bro but I got an extra punch" "yay"
You cant take other peoples orbs, everybody gets their own orbs
Tom.. Seriously Tom, I have been playing from day one. I know this. Now in Destiny you drop orbs for other people to use. Very clutch on Crota and also PVP. This Tom is what I'm referring to.
Yes, I can just sit in the corner and spank the monkey. He's been a bad monkey. What should I spend glimmer on these days? I've already maxed and etheric light raised full sets of VoG armor just so I can wear it when I do VoG for giggles. I can re-re-roll some weapons that will be phased out in the new expansion. I'm thinking out of these choices, spanking the bad monkey is my best option.
I can't wait for that exotics bruh, I need another exotic shard. Can you ask someone if they play this game? Just asking
[quote]You aren't forced to pick up the orbs, or stay glimmer capped. You have a choice![/quote] Which is why ill use a different exotic that beneficial
You are forced to...tell me ho to not pick them up when they are all over the ground and I don't want grenade energy I ant to use them for super...You need to avoid that ground -blam!- that.
Yeah, I have a choice not to wear the robes because the perks blow.