Really bungie? We help the Hunters with a crucible relevant perk?
Titans - float whimsically
Warlock - robe that has money thrown at it
Hunters - a way to use melee to reload your primary weapon. Not enough? Have an additional melee to try again.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking a bungie!
Warlocks usually have the best exotics so this is a nice change (:(:(:
Edited by EpicGameTime12: 8/25/2015 9:32:36 PMAs usual, titans get shafted again. [spoiler]lik dis if yu cri, evry time...[/spoiler]
I cri evry tim
Hunters get another "chance" at´s HOPING that you get backstab so you can actually OHK and let´s HOPE we get ammo refill on a PRIMARY...and another melee? Blink Strike sucks, Throwing knives already get precision resets and 2nd knife so it´s not needed....the only class where this is relevant is Nighstalker Meanwhile Ram triggers at EVERY melee and gets constant increased armor...yeh Bungie favors hunters
Doesn't have to kill. States that melee has chance to reload primary
Yeah as I was saying let´s HOPE we get ammo refill on hit...especially on a primary when at melee range usually you´re using a shottie. And ammo refill won´t help if the other class kills you (very plausible since they both have OHK melees) And we all know how amazing perks that give a chance are....Mulligan?
You know, these most likely aren't the only pieces of Exotic armor in the TTK. Maybe we'll see some more armor later today.
Plus warlocks usually get good helmets (Ram, obsidian mind) Not so much chest pieces in expansions Hunters gauntlets are usually the best of their expansions And Titans....well they got helm of saint 14...okay Titans get pooped on a lot with exotic armor (before Titans attack this just remember I am saying you need better exotics....,cool?)