I love the look of the arachnid, too bad the perks on it are terrible.
"Hope for the future" right? lol.
These new exotics make me worry. The extra melee charge for the night stalker may be good, but gunslingers already have a two throwing knife option and blink strike has fast twitch. The striker titan looks pretty good (I will use it in the crucible) but it is still underwhelming. Extra glimmer exotic perk.... REALLY LOL.
They have done considerable work to the armor trees. I mean, the signature perks are meh, but maybe their other perks that come with can make them a viable choice in certain scenarios beyond glimmer farming and making yourself a popup target.
That may be true, but typically the other perks in the armor tree are also available in legendary armor. The exotic perk is what makes it exotic.
Touche, however I think bungie has a method to their madness with the amount of detail they're putting into their "either/or" style armor trees. My theory is that they are adding perks that beef stats while in the air kind of like "icarus". My hope is that one will double critical damage and make this a high risk, high reward armor piece. Or even something that improved your armor. Tbh though, I see this less as pvp armor and more for certain boss fights with conditions like the lava floor in PoE.
Edited by Fridén: 8/26/2015 1:24:23 PMThe reveal makes me worried. Currently, for armor, I only intend on attempting to get the titan helmet (although I am worried it has a strength stat which I don't usually build on.) Maybe they will have something else that is unique, like khepri's sting primary weapon loader or don't touch me's inverse shadow. Time will tell. It is hard for me to be excited with these perks though.