Their goal was to set out and make exotics that pulled us away from our year 1 weapons and armor , so far it seems like quite a fail or at least to me it does the exotics are lacking a perk that sets them apart that is actually useful but hey that's just my opinion
That's just 3 of the 18 armor pieces and the guns look sick
They look sick but performance wise who knows the best one there is the fusion rifle and again it takes up an exotic slot
The shotgun is great, we've already seen gameplay. The fusion rifle is basically just a void scorch cannon
The new exotics are horrible so far
How do you know that? You've never used them before.
Based off perks I would still rather use knucklehead radar for pvp and nighthawk or symbiote for pve why waste an exotic slot for something that kinda had useless perks
Seems kinda accurate to me