Thanks bungie. You gave titans another useless exotic. It comes with a perk that is not new, is already in a classes perk list, and something NO ONE FŪCKING USES ANYWAY!
Angel of light is hardly useless. Provides agility. And it can help to get you onto something after your jump hits it's max height but you need a tiny bit more.
The exotic is going to work magically with Titan skating
Calm your balls kid, if you don't like the exotic just dismantle it when it drops for you. Not every exotic is supposed to be godly, if that were to happen there would be no separation of the good & bad exotics. I wouldnt call that exotic bad at all.
But you would think that the goal of an exotic to be unique and useful. This helmet doesn't fit either ramification
I use angel of light, and I love the look of this helmet. I will use it. :)
You use angel of light because your Warlock is still a toddler.
Ok cool. He's still a toddler, got it.