.....come TTK, prove me wrong.
Its pretty much a PvE exclusive, you'll have to walk around firing your primary off and be reloading constantly, it takes up your exotic slot and you'll have to get like 250 glimmer for it to even be worth it. It also only has a [b]CHANCE[/b] to drop glimmer and the second perk is actually a disadvantage since its taking away orbs you may want to save for recharging your super after you use it.
Probably the worst designed weapon/armour in the game.
ATS-Arachnid > Alchemist's Raiment.
lol, The Arachnid = useless Think of where the Raiment is useful: Most Sunsingers NEVER use their super unless they're dead. So (depending on how extreme a charge this is) using 2 orbs to charge a grenade would actually be pretty damn cool. Tied with a helmet to heal off of orb pick-ups (normally doesnt work whilst supercharged for obvious reasons) They're certainly no HoPF, but for the majority of Sunsinger warlocks, they'll actually get more use from a Raiment than a HoPF. They're certainly more useful than the Protocol. Best exotic ever? No. But it's far from the worst or even useless, I cant wait to get one to test it out :P Note: If it takes more than 3 orbs to charge a grenade 100% then the raiment is completely useless and is worst exotic ever.