Post when you need help! Prison of Elders, Nighfall, Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Orsiris, Strikes, Bounties, and KINGS FALL RAID!
[b]XBOX 360 ONLY!![/b]
Don't advertise your clan please, thank you!
Good Luck Guardians!
Remember to [b]like[/b] this thread!
[spoiler] [b]Edit 1:[/b] Thanks for 400 posts! We are third on the trending tab? Thats crazy! Thank you guys! Good luck guardians!
[b]Edit 2:[/b] HOLY CRAP!! Thank you guys for 1000 posts! Keep up the posts! Good luck guys!!!
[b]Edit 3:[/b] Thank you for the continued support! Have fun with the new DLC! I'll see you guardians out there!
[b]Edit 4:[/b] I just wanna say thank you for posting here. I know this isn't the most popular page, and I don't care if it is or not. You guys (and girls) are amazing. I wish you luck for when Challenge Mode on Kings Fall drops! [/spoiler]
Kings fall 5 players Checkpoint: oryx Players that know what to do You need a mic Message me for invite GT: top008
Need two (Void sword only) for Exotic sword Quest. Boss Cp Gt: SoiledHippo Msg Gt for invite
Need fireteam for kings fall. Will join at any CP if you want. But if I host we have to start fresh given I haven't done anything since reset
Need two for kings fall msg SixInchKill for invite
]Need two more people for a fresh kings fall raid
Fresh King's Fall run. Need full Fireteam. Please have completed before, and HAVE MIC. Trying to do a quick run, but have a good time. MSG Gt above.
295 warlock looking for team. Have oryx CP and Mic. Invite GnarKillFreedom
Need 2 more for kings fall raid must be 290+ light and know what to do msg:Hellboy65x for invite
Need 4 for golgoroth 298+ plus have a decent sniper and have some idea of what your doin gt LoneWolf2371
Need 5 for oryx. Im 304 hunter with touch of malice. MUST BE 298+ with experience. Mssg ramo tha divine
Need 4 for kings fall raid fresh me and buddy have both beaten several times must be mature have mic no little kids 290+message for invite
Edited by ForerunnerCat07: 10/8/2015 12:04:54 AMDoing King's Fall. Need three other Guardians to join. You could be inexperienced. Mic will be need and please, no squeakers. Gamertag same as above.
Need 5 for golgoroth msg name as above for invite
Need 5 for fresh Kings fall raid must be 290+ and know what they are doing msg:Hellboy65x for invite
Exotic sword quest strike I'm solar Sword Xbox 360 msg peacekillerzk49 for inv
Looking to join a raid. 300 warlock. Oryx checkpoint. I have a mic and experience
Looking to help anyone with anything I'm a 294 hunter with black spindle
need 1 for nf
]Daughters cp please be 300+ light msg xxnocampersxx for invite
Nf at bosses need 1 around 300 plz msg gt same as name
Need 1 at war priest Need a mic Message on live for invit
Need 3 for oryx fresh start Be 290+ Have experience Be at least 14+ years old Gt same
Need 2 for nf or touch of malous mission "echo of oryx" msg for inv Gt same as above
Need 4 to do oryx cp message XxShadow8xX for inv
Oryx cp. hunter - 294 light Can relic run Please some experience with killing oryx No disrespectful players DONT GET DISCOURAGED OR MAD IF WE DIE A FEW TIMES FOR THE LOVE OF CRIST. GT is same as user, message for inv.
Need 4 for kings fall no cp message gt above for inv Must have mic Must be 290+