Post when you need help! Prison of Elders, Nighfall, Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Orsiris, Strikes, Bounties, and KINGS FALL RAID!
[b]XBOX 360 ONLY!![/b]
Don't advertise your clan please, thank you!
Good Luck Guardians!
Remember to [b]like[/b] this thread!
[spoiler] [b]Edit 1:[/b] Thanks for 400 posts! We are third on the trending tab? Thats crazy! Thank you guys! Good luck guardians!
[b]Edit 2:[/b] HOLY CRAP!! Thank you guys for 1000 posts! Keep up the posts! Good luck guys!!!
[b]Edit 3:[/b] Thank you for the continued support! Have fun with the new DLC! I'll see you guardians out there!
[b]Edit 4:[/b] I just wanna say thank you for posting here. I know this isn't the most popular page, and I don't care if it is or not. You guys (and girls) are amazing. I wish you luck for when Challenge Mode on Kings Fall drops! [/spoiler]
I need 5 players that KNOW what there doing 300+ I'm the runner oryx cp same gt hit me up on xbox 360 *ONLY* TY
Need 4 players for oryx 295+ light only Message I'm Quas
Golgototh cp must have played raid before message GT
Need three fresh start kings fall mag for invite
NIGHTFALL 295+ only Msg HoochyStacks99
Need 4 light level 295+ FRESH Kings Fall Raid Please have somewhat experience (I'll be explaining every spot anyways) Please have good raid weapons No sword or shot gun or anything like that Just a simple auto rifle or scout with auto Sniper or rocket Message above name for an invite
307 Titan. Totems CP. Helping out a friend, he has done it up to sisters. After that I will have to explain to him. Need two more. I have done the whole raid about 10 times. Must have some experience. Must have mic. MESSAGE ON XBOX. GT SAME AS ABOVE.
(Kings fall raid) •Fresh •Need mic •Need 4 people •Need 298+ light •NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING GT above message for invite
307 Titan. Fresh Kings Fall. Helping out a friend, he has done it up to sisters. After that I will have to explain to him. Need two more. I have done the whole raid about 10 times. Must have some experience. Must have mic. MESSAGE ON XBOX. GT SAME AS ABOVE.
Doing nightfall need 2 people messages for inv gt is X87ekajhctib78x
Doing nightfall need 2 people messages for inv gt is X87ekajhctib78x
Looking to join a group doing kings fall. I'm a 308 light level warlock on Xbox 360 console. Message me at based messiah69.
Need 5 for oryx gt same as above need to know what you are doing to join
Doing nightfall need 2 people messages for inv gt is X87ekajhctib78x
Looking for 1 more for fresh kings fall. Massage me on xbox 360
Need 2 for nf, message for inv
Looking for exp people who have beaten kings fall to do the raid with ! Must be 297*+ and have a headset! Msg for inv gt same as above
Doing King's Fall Raid Deathsingers,looking for experienced players. Gt same as above.
Need help with tier 3 court of oryx Msg Lojoker10 for inv
Totem CP. Need one more. GT same as above. Message to xbox only.
Need 1 295+ with experience for totems then war priest message me in game for an invite
One more for kings fall fresh. Helping a bunch of my friends do it their first time. So if you are going to join, please be patient. Must have mic! Light level at least 293. Send message to xbox only. GT same as above!
nightfall 1 needed helping a guy gt same as above
Need 3 for Oryx cp. Gt same. No kids.
Need 1 for warpriest checkpoint. Must have experience and know exactly what to do, and be 290+. Message neonpoo for invite.
need 3 more people for daughters