Post when you need help! Prison of Elders, Nighfall, Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Orsiris, Strikes, Bounties, and KINGS FALL RAID!
[b]XBOX 360 ONLY!![/b]
Don't advertise your clan please, thank you!
Good Luck Guardians!
Remember to [b]like[/b] this thread!
[spoiler] [b]Edit 1:[/b] Thanks for 400 posts! We are third on the trending tab? Thats crazy! Thank you guys! Good luck guardians!
[b]Edit 2:[/b] HOLY CRAP!! Thank you guys for 1000 posts! Keep up the posts! Good luck guys!!!
[b]Edit 3:[/b] Thank you for the continued support! Have fun with the new DLC! I'll see you guardians out there!
[b]Edit 4:[/b] I just wanna say thank you for posting here. I know this isn't the most popular page, and I don't care if it is or not. You guys (and girls) are amazing. I wish you luck for when Challenge Mode on Kings Fall drops! [/spoiler]
Need 2 for fresh Kings Fall Raid. Must be 290+ light, must have beaten it before, and need a Mic. Gt same as above, message for invite.
Need 1 for orxy 300 light n proof uve beaten it msg gt same as name
Need four people for sisters cp, msg for inv GT-Reekyyy
Need 1 for nightfall at boss Gt same message for inv
VAULT OF GLASS let's take it back guardians. Already beat everything that's new kinda bored so I wanna run this raid with new year 2 stuff and see how much we kick ass Msg gt Michelangelox2 for invite Need 2 more
Edited by xmysticx: 10/11/2015 1:06:52 AMNeed 1 for fresh kings fall must be 290+ GT same as above
Need 4 for daughters need to know what to do 295+ gamertag impossiblekills
Need 2 for daughters cp msg for inv
Kings fall Oryx cp 295+ light gt MeantFall941451
LFG of 5 at Daughters Me: 308 titan Full experience GT: Cuddlephobia
Need 2 for kings fall Oryx cp. Must be 295+ light. Please know what you are doing. Msg SandierTree723 on XBL for invite.
302 hunter oryx cp get akri styxx
Agonarch rune inv me if fully charged
need two for the last part of touch of malice xbox 360
Need 3 for Oryx cp msg gt rwgxwolfpack for invite must know what to do
Kings Fall Daughters CP Gt: SoiledHippo Msg Gt for invite
Need 1 for daughters
Need 2 lvl 290+ for Kings Fall Raid fresh run. Message NBG CrownRoyal for an invite if interested.
Need 3 more for Fresh Oryx Raid Please be 290+ Also, somewhat know what you're doing I've done the raid multiple times and know the fastest way to get through everything Please have a good Sniper and, if you have the raid rocket, use it, it's awesome against the ogres. I'm gonna need at least 2 hunters though. Please send a message to above name for an invite.
Need 3 for Kings Fall Raid (Fresh) Must be 297+ Must have completed it before Gt same as above
Fresh kings fall raid need 4
300 hunter with no mic but can hear you! Looking to join fresh kingsfall raid! Msg GT above to inv me.
Oryx cp 295 + msg IISWooPII
Kings Fall Daughters CP ● Need 5 ● 300+ ● Experienced
Need 2 non squeakers for daughters
Eat priest kings fall raid Be 290+ Know what your doing Gt same Need 1