Post when you need help! Prison of Elders, Nighfall, Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Orsiris, Strikes, Bounties, and KINGS FALL RAID!
[b]XBOX 360 ONLY!![/b]
Don't advertise your clan please, thank you!
Good Luck Guardians!
Remember to [b]like[/b] this thread!
[spoiler] [b]Edit 1:[/b] Thanks for 400 posts! We are third on the trending tab? Thats crazy! Thank you guys! Good luck guardians!
[b]Edit 2:[/b] HOLY CRAP!! Thank you guys for 1000 posts! Keep up the posts! Good luck guys!!!
[b]Edit 3:[/b] Thank you for the continued support! Have fun with the new DLC! I'll see you guardians out there!
[b]Edit 4:[/b] I just wanna say thank you for posting here. I know this isn't the most popular page, and I don't care if it is or not. You guys (and girls) are amazing. I wish you luck for when Challenge Mode on Kings Fall drops! [/spoiler]
Need 5 for kings fall fresh. 290+ my first time on this character but I know what to do. Message for invite.
Need 4 for glyphs kings fall, be 295+, have a mic, know what to do. Message lPure Logic
Need 5 for kings fall fresh. MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE AND GOOD SNIPER**** I have no mic but i beat the raid before. HD Splashy
We're doing a quick daughter kill and oryx kill message Vexprah 296 light and up only. We need 1
Court of oryx I am light level 271 message for invite I have a stolen ruin but none of the first tier ones anymore message for invite please be my light level and higher
Kings Fall Fresh Need 1 297+ Must have completed entire raid at least once or don't msg me Msg Infrared Sun for invite
Kings Fall Oryx Checkpoint Need 5 295+ Xbox 360 Msg: KingLittledoom
At daughters need one
Need 1 for daughters
Need 1 for Nightfall Don't care what light you are Just wanna get it done Message above name for an invite
Need 4 for oryx Experienced Message Omisseh for invite
We're doing a quick daughter kill and oryx kill message Vexprah 296 light and up only. We need 1
Need 3 people level 295+ Oryx Cp Kings Fall must have beaten oryx before and know what your doing Gt: Ideal vL
Need 2 for oryx checkpoint No leaving allowed message me for invite
Need 3 for kings fall raid fresh run. Must have beat raid before and know what your doing on all bosses. We have beat it 8 times already and also have 5 man the whole raid and beat it last week. We are not carrying anyone or TRAINING anyone. Have done that too many times now. Just trying to do a fast run. No squeakers or little kids!!! My gt is same as above message me in game for invite
300 hunter with no mic but can hear you! Looking to do kingsfall from the part where you get the ghost, war priest then on! I'll help with the rest of raid. GT same as above!
Kings fall need a GOOD team no expectations
King fall raid oryx msg for inv have experience
Starting fresh KF need 5. must be 290+ Mostly know what your doing
Need 2 people Fresh start kings fall raid Gt: [b]pls dunt ban me[/b] Would prefer people who are 290
Need 3 for oryx 295+ pls have mic and know exactly what 2 do
Golgoroth cp. Be exp
Nightfall Need 2 290+ Light
300 hunter with no mic but can hear you! Looking to do kingsfall from the part where you get the ghost, war priest then on! I'll help with the rest of raid. GT same as above!
need 3 for golgoroth cp!
300 hunter with no mic but can hear you! Looking to do kingsfall from the part before war priest then on! I'll help with the rest of raid. GT same as above!