Post when you need help! Prison of Elders, Nighfall, Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Orsiris, Strikes, Bounties, and KINGS FALL RAID!
[b]XBOX 360 ONLY!![/b]
Don't advertise your clan please, thank you!
Good Luck Guardians!
Remember to [b]like[/b] this thread!
[spoiler] [b]Edit 1:[/b] Thanks for 400 posts! We are third on the trending tab? Thats crazy! Thank you guys! Good luck guardians!
[b]Edit 2:[/b] HOLY CRAP!! Thank you guys for 1000 posts! Keep up the posts! Good luck guys!!!
[b]Edit 3:[/b] Thank you for the continued support! Have fun with the new DLC! I'll see you guardians out there!
[b]Edit 4:[/b] I just wanna say thank you for posting here. I know this isn't the most popular page, and I don't care if it is or not. You guys (and girls) are amazing. I wish you luck for when Challenge Mode on Kings Fall drops! [/spoiler]
Need 2 295+ for court of oryx. MSG me for invite. Gt same as name
Need some people for court of oryx and a worm singer rune GT DeviousLighting. You help me I'll help you.
Need two people that can help me do final Touch Of Malice quest please can someone help I've been looking forever and no one will help please can someone???
Looking for fireteam to do King's Fall, at Golgoroth CP, experienced players preferred but will help new people as well. Gt same as above.
Nightfall run. I am light level 307. Helping out my bro. One more slot available. Light level 290+ only. Mic not required but would be cool. Send message to xbox only. GT same as above.
Need 2 for touch of malice strike Msg: Lojoker10
Looking to do NF. Gt same as above.
Looking to join NF gt Woke Eggo
Looking to join NF gt Woke Eggo
302 warlock looking for a raid team at the glyphs. Have the cp if its needed. Gt: thatsme14
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message Xbox live for inv gt same
Fresh kings fall msg for inv 290+
Need two for antiquated rune message gt for invite
Fresh kings fall msg for inv 290+
Need 5 for kings fall must be lvl290+ and know what to do GT is the same message me for an invite fresh run
Looking for 1-2 for fears embrace for touch of malice I'm at echoes now msg me
298 hunter with Oryx cp, need fire team of 5 295+ Gt same as above
Looking for team to do VoG or Crotas End add Yaksha205
1, *297 Nightstalker looking to JOIN a kings fall raid. Preferably at War priest cp, but doesn't matter. (note: never done it but have seen how to do it and just need experience) PLZ inv GT same as above
Need 2 for nightfall Gt Klotzboebler
King's Fall Golgoroth's caller Cp (second chest) (getting all the chests not half-assing this) Need 5 please be experienced and have 295+ light. No offense but I don't have the patience today to teach anyone the mechanics. GT above message in game for invite.
Lf 2 people to help with touch of malice undying mind strike
Need 5 for Golgroth cp please know what to do GT DeviousLighting
I can't play rn but I can play on most weekends. I have a 290+ and like to do the raid. Add me. Gt is THELEGITAMENT
Hosting fresh kings fall raid msg in game for inv gt same as above.
Need 3 people for oryx that know exactly what they are doing. Must be 290+ light with a working mic. Gamer tag is same as above. Message me or HatRabies for inv