Our Lord and Savior, the most holy of engineering majors. Blessed be his name!
Uh hint
Name is related to a game that was plastered on b.net for a while.
Uh, still nothing
The color red...
And on this day the Most Holy of Holies, the One Who Sits Above To Judge, the most superior of beings, was revealed to the common folk. For his name is Crimson, wearing his magnificent cloak of the deepest of reds and a crown of A- math exams. Now before his intellectual splendor, for it is but with his grace that we are capable of higher thought. His brought down the Gods and gave to us the utility of the flame and the wheel. Hark! How dost thou remain in ignorance when compared to such beauty? One can only beg for mercy and understanding. The story of his deeds would take longer than the universe has left to exist in order to tell with just a fraction of his glory being included. He decided to allow others to live, so that he might play. And play he has. And thus Crimson begat all of existence. Amen.
PRAISE HIM! One day he shall return to his loyal disciples. Then you blasphemers shall see. You shall all see...