I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
How do Artifacts work and what do they do? Will we ever get a glimmer cap increase? What is coming with TTK and what will be available to non-TTK buyers? By this I mean the story missions, raid, exotics (new and year 2 versions), etc. Swords? How many? Exotic swords? Ghost Shells? Exotic? Raid? Checkpoints? Fun? Good looking gear this time? Can Titans ads/zoom while using their Hammer of Sol? Why make all purchased year 1 content obsolete, once again limiting end game content? (Keep in mind VoG is level 30 max, CE is level 33 max and PoE is 35 max, and they all reward level 20 gear) Will Etheric light serve any other purpose other then leveling up now obsolete gear?