I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
How many new weapons manufacturers are there? Is it just the three that were revealed already (Hakke, Suros, Omolon) or are there more? Are there any plans to offer new vehicle types that can be bought and summoned other than various flavors of the same Sparrow? Weaponless Heavy Pikes would be something I'd support. Something different to break up the uniformity of Sparrows without breaking things by giving you a free unlimited ammo mobile weapons platform but still giving you a badass looking ride. Will primary weapons finally start to see elemental application outside of endgame content? At the very least exotic elemental primaries? What are the Monte Carlo 2.0 and Truth 2.0 like? Why no new model for Hard Light, Super Good Advice, or Dragon's Breathe? Miniguns as a future heavy weapon/exotic machine gun? Come on Bungie it's the future and nothing says "get off my worlds" like 6 spinning barrels of absolute pain.