Move on to new exotics, bungie wants people to use the new stuff
The new stuff is shite by comparison. more glimmer from picking up primary ammo that isn't an exotic lucky raspberry and radiant dance machines is more exotic than that
They have shown us 5 of like 20 new exotics, I'm sure there's gonna be awesome ones
Remember the dark below exotics such promise, such disappointment
Hey you never know, Bungie might hit it big with TTK
I hope so, but don't you want to shove gjallarhorn in Oryx's face and say "B*tch, I'm here to accept your surrender."
No not really, I rather use one of the new weapons like the awesome sleeper stimulate or a sword.
Edited by Brezz 22: 8/26/2015 6:08:30 PMA sword in a boss fight -__- Whats your life expectancy in that situation.
-blam!- yeah dude I'm gonna chop off his dick and eat it, anything wrong with that?
No not at all but good luck with that. And he might have harpies just to warn you.
Edited by Crunchy: 8/26/2015 6:30:50 PMEh I already have them no worries