Are you planning to add a trading system in with ttk and if you are how will it work?
Won't happen bro, it would break the way they made the game.... Sry but just won't happen
Trading will never happen.
you'll never happen
I will happen. I have happened. I am happening.
There isn't enough variety of gear in destiny to justify trading. Trading would kill the game so much faster than any other changes. Even those who want it would, once they had traded and acquired every item in the game, then played for a month just for the fun of it, then lose interest. This game is fun in and of itself, but it's chasing loot that keeps you coming back to the same content literally hundreds of times and still getting excited when you get a good drop.
But what if its like you have to be friend with the guy for over a week and you have to be in a clan something like that
Then it disadvantages people who don't want to be in a clan or who don't want to clog up their friends list. People would get rewards just for posting on a forum, whether or not you created an arbitrary barrier to mean you had to wait a week, or join a clan. RNG might not be perfect, but it is 'fair' in that it indiscriminate. That can be annoying when someone with 10% of your hours gets the drop you want, but that's life.
Pleas no trading. trading is always the biggest exploit in any game.
How but in destiny not really because of rng that the only reason I asked
Exactly rng,not if you kill this boss he drops this weapon like in borderlands... They want people touring rng that's how an mmo works