I personally don't find him funny or interesting, and he seems like Bungie's pet. (As with all other Destiny youtubers) I've tried to find something I like about him, but I can't. Please tell me how you find this fool funny, as I know I've tried (and failed).
Edit: God, just because I have a differing opinion doesn't mean I'm evil. But then again, your tears sustain me, so keep going. All I asked was why do you like him, which only a few of you have managed to answer.
Edit: Let the tears flow!
Favorite comment:
[quote]The only thing funny about him is how hard people ride his nuts[/quote]
Edit: I've figured it out everyone! It's shallow, brainless humor. Because why actually try when you can just make bad jokes and horrible "funny voices"? It's quick "entertainment" which is easily liked thanks to our ever decreasing attention spans. Such a simple formula, but it works so well. Example A: Pewdiepie. Example B: Skydoesminecraft. Example C: Markiplier (he's gone to shit lately). Oh, and if you rage at this, get off your ass and think about why you're on the Internet.
Advertisement by a damn traveling salesman named Ang3r Issu3s:
[quote]I have to bump this here https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/149564781/0/0 everyone needs to watch[/quote]
A shoutout to my biggest fan,
A shoutout to my second biggest fan,
Hank the Shank!
I personally like his dream team videos and his 60 second reviews on weapons, but his solo commentary is boring imo. Another thing I like is that it's not just opening engrams and faction packages like some other YouTubers.
Never heard of him til the stream. He seems like that annoying 8 year old you come across in CoD
I don't like him. He's..... odd
you don't like fruit! How! apples are great ;)
Not my favorite destiny youtuber but he is a nice break from the countless others that are plain serious the whole time.
Are you a vegetable...?
He's a light-hearted guy that doesn't take destiny so serious.
You just don't enjoy the little things,simple as that.
Isn't he the little boy from Jerry McGuire?
[quote] Favorite comment: Drock5008 [quote]The only thing funny about him is how hard people ride his nuts[/quote][/quote]
I like him cause he doesn't recycle the same shit every other destiny youtube does. I've never seem him do a taken king review on a trailer or engram/package openings
MrFruit is not a youruber. is a person ok? and yeah so many like him cuz is different from any other youtuber. maybe he is not the best player but is one of the best guys ever seen in the world of destiny. watch his vid about dreams and if u still dont understand well ok ur hopeless he changed my view of gaming and destiny itself and yeah he made me a better guy i dunno him personally -and i wish i could- but anytime i watch a vid or listen to him i smile and everything seems good xD hope u can feel the same its not so bad ^+^
Because he focuses more on having fun than being serious. There's not one of his videos where he doesn't laugh more than 5 times
I would love to know as well.
muted, man i love clearing up my forums :D
I've only seen a couple of his videos, thought he was somewhat annoying. I actually enjoyed the commentary on the stream today though. He was much more laid back and entertaining than the community people Bungie has had on their stream in the past in my opinion.
I will say I thought it was funny how he sped past all the ads in the strike just like most of us do and will do when it comes out. I'm sure they weren't expecting him to do that.
Your edit is hilarious. I don't think most people hate you for not liking him. It's because you sound like a dick about it. [quote]Bungie's pet[/quote] Really? Lol
It's not that I find him funny. He's just got a chill personality and doesn't do the same shit that all other Destiny youtubers do which is give you the same information that you've heard from somewhere else.
He didn't seem all that special to me. I didn't care for him.
He's not funny whatsoever in my opinion. I heard all the kerfuffle about this guy, go check out a vid titled funny moments, and i was met with a video of an everyday guy who uses school yard level pg jokes and sporadically breaks into a very poor version of what sounds like a "jack black" voice/impression. Im wondering what the average ages are of his fans? I dont doubt there will be adults comment who like him, but id wager he mostly appeals to a younger audience. Hes like the barney the dinosaur of destiny.
Hey let's get a pvp player to do a raid that makes sense. Good job!
I enjoy him but please go look at his videos if you are just basing him on his actions in the stream because he is more fun in his videos
I do not understand why people watch other humans play games. Let me start off by saying if you are watching game play of a game you do not own and want to see what it is like that is perfectly fine aswell as looking up tutorials. However i am pretty sure everyone reading my post is a Destiny player so why in earth would you go watch someone play a game that you could go play on your own? I mean i just do not get it personally.
I dont find him really funny either but I don't mind him. He has fun with what he's doing and clearly enjoys it so more power to him.
I like the dream team vids he uploads. Everything else I don't really pay attention to.