I personally don't find him funny or interesting, and he seems like Bungie's pet. (As with all other Destiny youtubers) I've tried to find something I like about him, but I can't. Please tell me how you find this fool funny, as I know I've tried (and failed).
Edit: God, just because I have a differing opinion doesn't mean I'm evil. But then again, your tears sustain me, so keep going. All I asked was why do you like him, which only a few of you have managed to answer.
Edit: Let the tears flow!
Favorite comment:
[quote]The only thing funny about him is how hard people ride his nuts[/quote]
Edit: I've figured it out everyone! It's shallow, brainless humor. Because why actually try when you can just make bad jokes and horrible "funny voices"? It's quick "entertainment" which is easily liked thanks to our ever decreasing attention spans. Such a simple formula, but it works so well. Example A: Pewdiepie. Example B: Skydoesminecraft. Example C: Markiplier (he's gone to shit lately). Oh, and if you rage at this, get off your ass and think about why you're on the Internet.
Advertisement by a damn traveling salesman named Ang3r Issu3s:
[quote]I have to bump this here https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/149564781/0/0 everyone needs to watch[/quote]
A shoutout to my biggest fan,
A shoutout to my second biggest fan,
Hank the Shank!
People have a bad sense of humor. Dude isn't funny at all.
all the fruits love the fruit
Sounds like somebody's a little jealous he doesn't have an Internet following!!!!
Yea same, he's just seems like a regular nerd who doesn't leave his moms house. He needs some sun light man
Your opinion is yours and you can say what ever you want!!! Damn right. My opinion... I think that you are a salty ball sack.. that fruit obviously is doing something you probably wish you were able to do like play this game and not a salty ball sack maybe? Get views? People like him perhaps? What ever the case may be your salty tears on this salty post probibly taste good on his fries.
Because he enjoys the game and plays to have fun Some people take the game way to seriously so I watch him to have a laugh
He's just amusing to watch. I wouldn't go to him for info but.
His jokes are so cheesy I don't know how to explain it but his humor is so cheesy. I only like him cause of his dream team videos.
I find him funny.
I respect your opinion 100%
I don't think they should have given him a pve assignment, as he never does that. I do like his laid back attitude and not taking himself seriously! I find the serious crucible streamers boring and unwatchable. Even dattos raid vids put me to sleep
I feel the same way. But on the bungie pet note. The only YouTuber or streamer that I think isn't in bungies back pocket is datto. Well and dobbins but that goes without saying
I like his self deprecating humor on his stream. It is refreshing and makes me laugh. Better than some other destiny streamers. But I guess it depends on why you watch videos - to learn something new or some content which is funny - all is entertainment but depends on which genre you like.
I just like his nonchalant, happy approach to destiny. It keeps me optimistic. He never gets on about how guns are OP and rants. He may say something is op but for sake of comedy.
His lisp is to op... That is all lmao
Are you a vegetable??
I agree he is a hack....
There is such a thing called personal preference and shouldn't have to be explained. But whatever I guess...
I never found his videos to be funny or entertaining. And after this reveal, he was so [b]f[/b]ucking boring he put me to sleep. Not a fan of forced comedy, and that's all he tried to do. [i]Leagues better than Broman, for sure[/i], but I wish that they would have put someone else on their. Like Holtzmann from Planet Destiny. Or just have Claude Jerome and two other Bungie employee's run the Strike.
Why does mater to you?
Your evil because you have a different opinion than mine. Also, I am purposefully bit crying so you will starve. [spoiler]*le high pitched voice* EvvillL. EEEvvillL[/spoiler]
Goo on you tube, but as I thought, he couldn't do it or keep it up live
Who cares?
He spoke clearly and had a laugh.
Edited by Bazooka Tooth: 8/26/2015 7:16:04 PMI think he's an alright guy. I don't find him funny but slightly amusing. Finding a Destiny you tuber who's entertaining is very hard, same with streamers. I'll watch his stuff because I'm relatively bored, mainly his exotic reviews. If anyone knows any streamers/you tubers who are 1) not shit 2) not a twat 3) entertaining without profanity or raging - tell me.