I personally don't find him funny or interesting, and he seems like Bungie's pet. (As with all other Destiny youtubers) I've tried to find something I like about him, but I can't. Please tell me how you find this fool funny, as I know I've tried (and failed).
Edit: God, just because I have a differing opinion doesn't mean I'm evil. But then again, your tears sustain me, so keep going. All I asked was why do you like him, which only a few of you have managed to answer.
Edit: Let the tears flow!
Favorite comment:
[quote]The only thing funny about him is how hard people ride his nuts[/quote]
Edit: I've figured it out everyone! It's shallow, brainless humor. Because why actually try when you can just make bad jokes and horrible "funny voices"? It's quick "entertainment" which is easily liked thanks to our ever decreasing attention spans. Such a simple formula, but it works so well. Example A: Pewdiepie. Example B: Skydoesminecraft. Example C: Markiplier (he's gone to shit lately). Oh, and if you rage at this, get off your ass and think about why you're on the Internet.
Advertisement by a damn traveling salesman named Ang3r Issu3s:
[quote]I have to bump this here https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/149564781/0/0 everyone needs to watch[/quote]
A shoutout to my biggest fan,
A shoutout to my second biggest fan,
Hank the Shank!
I used to just watch him occasionally but over time he's become my favorite Destiny Youtuber. He's just chill, he says when he doesn't like something about the game, but he does it humorously and doesn't let it ruin his fun playing style. He plays the game for the same reason we all should, for fun. Check out the Destiny dance video he made and you'll see what I'm talking about. Also his Dream Team is just gold.
Edited by Reclaimer: 8/27/2015 4:18:37 PMI thought he was okay before, but I never really watched his videos. Figured he was chill, since he was one of the few positive influences on the community. Then I found out he's behind that stupid, kindergarden-grade nickname for the Hawkmoon. Made a comment on his video about it, and then he meme'd at me by making a salt "joke". Officially wrote him off as a jackass after that. I mean, I'm all for fun and messing around. Even silliness. But there's a limit. That crossed the line between silly and stupid. Turned a work of art into something gross. Maybe I should nickname the Mona Lisa "LisFREAKIN SWEET"? Yeah, let's do that and make a video about it. That said, at least he's not a massive tool like some of the "pro" PvP players that stream and act like they shit gold, when they just shit Last Word bullets and Blink around.
I think that fruit was an alright part of the stream. He seemed nervous and wasn't at his best. I believe that the reason there is so much hate towards him is because there were some major problems in the way they presented the stream. I mean they completely skipped over the hunter. There were not enough pov changes especially when fruit used the sword. I do agree that he should not have started to run past the first part but Cosmo also joined him and Claude or deej could have told the two to stay back. With all of these problems the community chooses to put the blame on who many have never seen before, Mr Fruit. Fruit was not the best choice for a pve activity as most of his videos are pvp based but he did okay for the circumstances. He at least did better than Cosmo who seemed like a lifeless zombie the whole time. [spoiler]This is just my opinion[/spoiler]
I find him unfunny,and extremely creepy. That weird fruit fetish of his,does him no favours.
I like him, but thats because he feels fresh and i dont have to take him serious
No offense, but you sound like a hater. I saw your comments and you're no different...
I can understand if you don't like his content, but I don't know why you called him a fool. Your post seemed genuine until you insulted him for no reason. And if you can't even find one thing you like, then I don't know what to say. Usually you should be able to see at least one thing good in a person. He's a pretty positive guy, don't know how someone cannot like that.
Edited by Danny staBB : 8/27/2015 5:36:31 PMPeople are different so they will enjoy different things on different levels. Why get upset over somthing someone else enjoys if it's not harming anyone? *obligatory tear drop for OPs collection* Edit: still scratching my head over your "favorite comment". It makes no sense. It has nothing to do with him but rather his fans. ......?
I heard his farts smell like watermelon
OP loves DeeJ Nutz.
Watching streamers is a waste of time for the most part imo. I'd rather just play the game.
I like it because he is genuinely funny. He amuses me.
Not all destiny youtubers are pets, buy most are.
I like him because he brings the fun and relaxation of just some plain old crucible.
He's just seems extremely awkward, I felt awkward just watching the stream, It was really cringe..
I am a fruit[spoiler]check clan tag[/spoiler]
To each their own i guess.
He's awesome
I don't watch other people game, don't even understand the phenomenon at all, that being said I found him considerably less annoying then the previous parade of tools they have subjected us to. I actually had to stop watching the one with Broman.
I concur ... ?????? closed the stream after a minute
To me he is entertaining. I can see how not all would like him though.
I'm impartial. I don't really watch you tubers often. He seemed okay during the bungie stream
I don't
Personally. To each their own.