I think he's an alright guy. I don't find him funny but slightly amusing. Finding a Destiny you tuber who's entertaining is very hard, same with streamers. I'll watch his stuff because I'm relatively bored, mainly his exotic reviews.
If anyone knows any streamers/you tubers who are 1) not shit 2) not a twat 3) entertaining without profanity or raging - tell me.
Ali A is good. Funny guy. He can be kind of eccentric, but not immature. I used to watch YoteSlaya, but he's since passed. I do like Planet Destiny, but I don't watch their streams, so idk how those are. I wouldn't watch Datto. He's knowledgeable, but can come off as prude. There's a lot of drama between the Destiny streamers/youtubers.
I've watched Ali A before if I was a bigger fan of CoD I would probably be more interested. I'll check Datto now. Thank you for the suggestion.
YoteSlaya was such a good youtuber.
[quote] was [/quote]
I still watch his videos sometimes. He was a fantastic youtuber. Didn't give in to the drama. His channel was just a really chill place.
I like Ali a's YouTube videos.