there are currently only 3 ways to deal with trolls in destiny, either be a group leader and kick the little retards, leave the group, or troll them until they leave (usually they leave instantly because morons like that can't take what they try and give out)... and considering it was a match made group and you can't kick people in that set up and he was at the last boss after probably more or less soloing the whole thing up to that point, he just used the tools he had at his disposal that wouldn't require going through the whole thing again with potentially the same outcome.
if he had not done that, it would of continued for lord only knows how long and the boss might of never died wasting every second of his time in there and forcing him to leave and do it again. at the point he was at in the strike i can't find any fault in making idiots quit being stupid so you can finish the thing they were actively halting progress on.
if you have to blame anyone for crap like this blame the idiots who think its "cool" to act like that in the 1st place.
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