I am one of the people that supports that none of our exotics should become obsolete. This is not to say I wanna use my Gjallarhorn or my Thorn for 10 years but to say there is the maximum possible amount of good viable weapons at all times. I will like (no, love!) to use the TTK weapons but I would also like to be able to switch to my truth if there was a void burn tough nightfall. As I already said, i think this would bring constant variety to viable gear in Destiny and I think at least some people agree with me. So please if you agree with me bump this thread so Bungie can see it.
I also think that it will reduce the diversity of exotic guns/armor in destiny. But i think that most weapons that arent getting a y2 version is due to them beeing either OP or UP and bungie couldnt balance them yet.