Pretty sure if you hit him 4 times, and miss 16 is realistic.
Definitely takes more than 4 on that game to kill. 6 rounds to the head with a assault rifle. I'm pretty sure no matter what caliber of round I use a head shot is a instant kill shot beside like a .22 which they game does not use. shots to kill someone even a sniper if not in the head takes 2 which is highly realistic right. a large caliber round hitting you anywhere is enough to kill you. And the chest and groin is just as damaging as a head shot honestly. Especially the groin is usually unprotected and even military is taught to aim there for a kill shot. And the upper thigh well that's a kill shot no matter what you use if you pierce or damage the femoral artery pass out from blood loos in 15-30 seconds and dies in just over a min. So tell me how it's realistic.