I have seen a lot of people on the twitch chat during the live stream, I've even seen hate post. [spoiler]MR. FRUIT IS THE BEST YOUTUBER NOT STREAMER[/spoiler]
How about if you don't really care? people seem to forget these guys are just regular old people. The people want to hate on them are stupid.
Never seen him, but his name irritates me.
Signed x 100
I like him
I do to;-)
If I want to laugh and have a good time, I watch Mr. Fruit. Signed.
Signed. He encouraged me and told me that everybody is beautiful. #fruitnation
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 8/27/2015 2:23:30 PMSomething tells me he will be on "to catch a predator" in 20 years.
Edited by SmilingPhases: 8/27/2015 2:30:44 PMI like him but im not signing because this post is silly #stroketheforge
Sorry, but why are you so attracted by a guy playing the same game as you and putting his vids on youtube? What's so special about him?
His Vids are funny, not much of his personality came forward in the stream tho.
Edited by Intox__Reboot: 8/27/2015 6:49:08 AMHe was mediocre during the live stream....he clearly needed a rehearsal or something because nothing i seen today makes me want to know who he is....though the strike itself looks fun....
Mr Fruit caters to the teens. He is a teeny bopper.
Edited by Dyldo-_-Baggins: 8/27/2015 2:33:21 PMPeople have signed. Faith in humanity: lost
Team Fruit all the way! ~AwakePoseidon