[b]Jessica's chest, where her Anti-Matter generator is located, begins to glow
A computerized voice is heard[/b]
Genesis Anti-Matter Generator ruptured
Implosion imminent
Beginning Containment Procedures[/i]
[b]A Hard Light Shield envelopes half of the room, and Jessica's entire body begins to glow[/b]
[i]Implosion Imminent
Implosion Imminent[/i]
[b]A bright flash happens inside the Shield, blinding Jack, and rocking the entire Ship
When you can finally see, a large chunk of the MedBay and several other Rooms have been wiped out, leaving nothing but a empty hole
Jessica is gone as well[/b]
[b]Jack stands and shakes his head. He then looks around.[/b] "What the hell?...... Oh no."