This is cool I would post what percent of all people are certain subclasses. It's easier to see if massive numbers could lead to certain supers having more kills. The voidwalkers make up 12.7% of the players. The nova bomb makes up as many kills (in percent) as the population of voidwalkers. That means it's a balanced super. It would be easier to compare the percent of kills to percent of the population being that subclass.
Gunslinger = 17.4% Blade Dancer = 16.8% Voidwalker = 12.7% Sunsinger = 20.8% Striker = 15.1% Defender = 17.1%.
It's at the top. All necessary stats are available. If not in raw numbers, then in percentage.
It's the percentage of class, and then the percentage of subclasses for a specific class. Not the percentage of how the subclasses make up the entire population of destjny.
Ehm... If you add up the percentage of all the subclasses... you'll see that they make up 99.9%, i.e. the percentage of the subclasses is the percentage of the total population.
I calculated those. This post doesn't have the percentage of how much a subclass is used out of the entire population of Destiny.
I'm sorry but you're not getting your point across. You mean entire population as in PvE activities included? The percentages I posted were PvP population exclusivily.
No. In PVP. But it's hard to compare the kills of 51% of 34% of a population against 47% of 32% of a population. If every super was balanced, I would expect to see that the percentage of kills for that super is close to the percentage of players using that super. You list that 33.6% of players are warlocks, and 28% of those warlocks are voidwalkers. What I'm saying is that knowing that 28% of warlocks are voidwalkers isn't as useful as knowing that 16.7% of the PVP community is a voidwalker.