White knight detected
Lmao that's the statement you're going to go with trying to be the do-gooder in this thread? Good job bud. You keep that up.
It's annoying people having issues with others so they make the community know, I've seen many DPJ threads of how he talks, so I figured I might tell people to shut up in a more insulting variety, going to be my last reply on this thread I'm going to sleep
Hypocritical statement you said there, bud
Seemed the easiest way to say my disliking of those people, but it's more of a general thing not person specifically not trying to defend my point just saying why and thanks for pointing that out not many people use contradicting around me
Ah, well I'm glad some people respond in a calm manner in these forums, I don't see that much
Edited by yewww: 8/27/2015 12:52:35 PMIt's a discussion, my dear friend. If you yourself were intelligent, you would actually contribute to the discussion by stating [b]why[/b] you think I'm wrong (which I could totally be) and not just leave your mark of rustledness by leaving a negative comment. edit: in case your little baby brain can't figure it out, the topic is about DPJ and Moreconsole, and why you like/hate him.
Point is your still disrespecting others, it's unneeded to be mentioned here, if you don't like them who cares, it doesn't deserve a post and or discussion.
Usually, I'd agree, but by putting themselves in the spotlight they brought this on themselves. It's like a sports star having to put up with media bashing (or loving) them. [spoiler]Leave a like down below... NO[/spoiler]
Well apparently I got 200+ replies, so people do care about this, whether they are fans of DPJ or not, and I appreciate it. No need for your jimmies to get rustled.