A question I have is: Do the grenades during super count as a grenade kill, super kill or both? Same with Melee kills.
Interesting point. I wonder who would be able to clarify this.
Edited by seraphic_thunder: 8/27/2015 2:54:53 PMNo Radiance kills count as Super Kills in Crucible. You will get the Grenade or Melee points if that's what you did. Edit: Radiance kills do not count as Super kills (mistyped earlier)
Do you know this for sure? If that is true then gun, melee and nade kills during radiance count double.
I mistyped it. You do not get extra points for Radiance kills. Sorry about that. I main a Warlock and unless I missed it (I wouldn't put it past me) then that's how it is.