[u]Revy, Greenholm[/u]
Revy zooms through the city in her skates as she posts up flyers advertising her cafe back in Cidyetica.[b] Next time you go to see the magnificent lights of Tokyo Town, make sure stop stop by [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/1108411/144993714/0/0]The Mad Hat[/url]. You'd be absolutely mad not to![/b] It's a convenience to her cafe, but also a cover up activity for what she was really doing. In one of her recent information binges, she came across something of slight interest, a new prototype police droid called a Reaver.
She looked around as she hovered, thinking she just might find a strange looking droid out on patrol. If there was a new model in this town, Revy wanted to know more about it.
In a not too distant street, there is a commotion amongst a few civilians. Underneath their feet, a strange mass of tiny bits of what looks to be metal slithers past in the form of a moving puddle. The fancily dressed men and women it passes under gasp and murmur excitedly to each other as if a celebrity has walked by them.
" ... what?" Revy says as she observes the people's reaction the the passing metal. She begins to follow the puddle for closer observation.
As you follow it, the mass of spiny metal bits halts for a moment, as if sensing something, and then continues on its way down the sidewalk of the street.
She continues to follow, at a distance. [i]I'm stalking a puddle[/i] Revy thinks in her head and gives a small laugh as a result. This had to be it.
The puddle of metal suddenly slips through a drainage vent. It has escaped.
"Damn" Revy curses.