Suppose you're taking a road trip and need a car game to play with like 5 other people. Wut do?
I thought of "fuk up the radio" never tried it... but the objective is to listen to a song on the radio, and then fuk.jpeg it up as much as possible (but still making it similar) by inverting it, making it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , or stupid-funny. Passengers will vote for the most fuked up song as winner. Soo... other than [spoiler]I spy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
license plate game
20 questions of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-paper-scissors
Phone games
Social interaction
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
What car games would you create?
Pick a word. Everyone takes turn singing a song that uses that word. If you don't have one, you're out. Continue until there's one person left. They pick the next word.
Every time you pass a mile marker take a shot.
On long road trips, I just chuck on a mixed Album and play Pokemon.
Play this with or without driver depending on your play style Everybody gets two bic lighters If somebody gets you, you're out Last one to catch on fire wins No time limit Everyone must play until arrival to destination
Edited by Tything: 8/28/2015 5:59:36 AMThe basics of this game is some one names a random actor and everyone tries to guess a move that he or she played on.
Air trip or car game my fiancée and I play often is First Letter Last Letter. Say you choose movies as a subject: I say "Pacific Rim" then someone must choose a title that begins with the last letter of the previous title (in this case M.) it's an easy one but can kill a 5hr trip across country in a heartbeat.
For every letter on the license plate on the car in front of you, create a story using the characters in the plate. 3S5M could be 3Spooky5Me
Punch Buggy.
My opinion is that if you're driving a car boring enough to need car games, you should have flown! Get a sports car! Most fun I ever had was racing a firebird on an empty freeway in the middle of no where in my 300zx. Ttops were off and we were both going about a buck 20 at one point. Good times.
Let's play spot the fgt. Hey look, it's OP!