Does shoulder charge count as a melee? I don't think it would, it isn't their official melee.....
Shoulder charges count as melee attacks in both crucible and iron banner bounties. If it registers there, my guess is that it registers with the stats.
Throwing knives should count as a melee.
It's still a melee attack though.
I understand what it is. I just don't think it is their melee. Throwing knives do count because that is in their melees spot. Shoulder charge is technically not a melee, considering it is in their last slot.
throwing knives don't count as melees
yes they do, that is the gunslingers melee ability. It doesn't matter what is technically a melee or not, its all about where the melee slot is.
It counts throwing knife as melee in PvE as far as I understand but not in PvP. It even shows a different icon in the kill feed than a melee kill. Doesn't help melee bounties in crucible.
The shoulder charge doesn't show up as a melee icon either. It all depends on the slot your melee ability is. Titans is storm fist. Not shoulder charge
Edited by filleparisienne: 8/28/2015 1:36:27 AMIf you really care you can test it by playing one match with a hunter getting a melee and throwing knife kill and see the change in your totals Throwing knives dont help melee bounties in crucible. 28 seconds in it shows shoulder charge showing the same icon as a melee "After sprinting for a short time, press (R1) to unleash a devastating melee attack." The game calls it a melee