Stephenson nods.
[i]I don't put much stock in magic, myself. Just throw holy water on it and you're good.[/i]
*She begins giggling, and soon enough it grows to a full fit of laughter*
Stephenson glares at her. [i]What? It worked well enough on those people who thought they were vampires![/i]
"Yea but you drowned them in the stuff!!!" *She keeps laughing*
He sighs angrily before tossing an empty bottle at Shiroe.
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 8/28/2015 9:41:23 PM*She catches it and places it on the deck of the boat* "Hey now, don't go throwing away our stuff. Its all we got for now. So.... What do we do now? I have a few...... Bases.... We can hang out at for now."
Stephenson frowns in puzzlement. [i]Well, my plan was to go upriver and actually get to know each other. I don't know.[/i]
"Well how about we find a way to get over to Tokyo Town, we can talk on the way there." *She inspects the fish, and declares it done* "DINNER TIME!!!" *She shouts, even though it's only the two of you*
Stephenson chops the fish up and wolfs it down.
"Hey!! Save some for me!!!" *She manages to get some for her before he wolfs it down*
Stephenson shoots her a "hands off" look. [i]Hey, they let you eat when we were.... wherever we were. Now, story time.[/i]
"Hmm?" *She looks at him with a piece of fish in her mouth*
He stares at her. [i]You know, your life story, that sort of thing.[/i]
"Oh." *She leans back and closes her eyes* "Memories. Good, bad, and even the ugly. I got em all."
[i]I'm plenty interested, unless you want me to go first. I'm warning you now, it's pretty boring.[/i]
"Let me guess, you were a cop?"
[i]Nope. Worked with them for a while though. I'm just a street rat who felt like dealing justice was a better job. Of course, that was only after I met my 'mentor' of sorts.[/i]
[i]A friend of mine, a detective himself. Got me off the streets and into school. He had a daughter, lost her to some preacher man when she was a baby. Stolen right out of his arms. Soon as I turned 18, he gave me a job. A week later, he left. Somebody told him his daughter was off on some sky city. I thought it was poppycock, but he hasn't come back since.[/i]
"Huh. Talk about robbing the cradle." *She cringes slightly at her own joke, then nods* "Looks like you had an odd childhood as well."
He nods. [i]Yep. Now then, what about you?[/i]
"Grew up on another planet. Nuff said. My grandmother mainly took care of me and my brother. She.... Was ok, actually. Had some oddities...."
[i]Like what?[/i]
"She looks like, and even acts like an 18-year-old." *She grimaces* "She trained us mercilessly. Endlessly. Day after day she would teach us sword-fighting, teach us how to shoot, how to climb.... She turned us into weapons. Ninjas, perhaps."
[i]That doesn't sound like a very good childhood. Wha happened once you got away from all that?[/i]
"We escaped her, but she.... Did something to us. She integrated nano bots into both of our bodies. She could communicate with them using the ones in her own body, but we locked her out soon enough. We stole a ship soon enough and landed here on this planet and tried to blend in, get jobs and such. Didn't work out that way though. Almost instantly we were pulled into the underground, trafficking and hacking our way up the ranks. We got good. Too good. Soon enough we were wanted by the entire underground. Imagine that heh? Two teenagers on the run from the underground because they were too good." *She suddenly flips a knife into her hand and nervously begins to flip it* "He was the better fighter. Always was. A psion's abilities just seemed to weaken and fail around him. It was like he drained their energy. He would take full on hits from cyborgs and shrug them off." *She sighs* "Too good."