It wasn't technically in school, but during religion class held after school (because my high school is a public school so they're technically not allowed to hold religion class during school but they get away with it anyways).
I was in 10th grade and my religion teacher told me that the sole reason drugs are addicting is because after they're made in MEXICO (apparently they aren't made anywhere else in the world), and as they are being smuggled into the USA, witches wait at the border and put hexes on the drugs to make them addicting.
I then laughed, stood up, walked out, and never returned to religion class again.
Yes really
Rip religious class
For me, yes. However my hometown is full of bigoted Catholics
I thought that was common knowledge that drugs were addicting because of Mexican witches
Apparently I must've missed out on this bit of information then...
That person is why people think religion and science disagree. Just.... Stop.
I told my grandma's best friend who has been a strong catholic for 80 years and she just laughed and said that catholics don't believe in witches.
No one does. Hopefully.
My whole hometown does, apparently.
Oh God
Yeah... That's why I go to school 4 hours from my hometown lol. Although where I go to school is all over the news because of the county clerk who just went to jail for refusing to marry same sex couples lol
Athiest master race
I don't consider myself an atheist, but I do consider myself more of an atheist than a Christian lol
So you're agnostic? You want to believe in God, but don't think his existence can ever be proven?
I don't want to believe in god, and I don't. I only went to church and religion classes out of love and respect for my grandmother.
Oh okay.... I'm not sure what you are then. Why did you respond to my post 3 times though?
I think I do consider myself atheist now... And I'm not sure why it replied thrice, I apologize for that though.
Dude.... this was like 3 months ago..... Did you just now realize "HEY! I'm an atheist!"
Haha well someone just randomly liked my post, which brought me back to it to realize that I triple posted and that I do consider myself an atheist now so I figured I'd say it. Haha
I don't want to believe in god, and I don't. I only went to church and religion classes out of love and respect for my grandmother.
I don't want to believe in god, and I don't. I only went to church and religion classes out of love and respect for my grandmother.