The video states that we will be able to ascend our exotics [b]OVER TIME[/b].
New Y2 exotics will likely not be as powerful as the old ones also.
Oh man I love "over time" timetables. Will this be like a cheese patch and we'll see them immediately? Will it be like a raid bug and we'll have to suffer for a couple months? Will it be next dlc? (4 months) Will it be like a weapon balance patch and it's going to take over seven months? Or will we see it in Destiny 2 likely next year?
theyre probably being so vague because theyre not even positive what theyre gonna do yet i bet they ascend all exotics over time, but no big deal if they dont, i wont hold my breathe lol
Edited by Ziyac: 8/29/2015 7:42:55 PMThrow money at screen and we'll give you Y1 exotics with a new perc!! SICK. You guys [b]really[/b] think bungie is just Gonna include these in patches?? Drugs are bad children.
From the weekly: Which Exotics will be available in Year Two? In addition to a bunch of brand new Exotics for you to discover in Year Two, we’re redesigning and redeploying select Exotics from Year OneFor example: No Backup Plans has been redesignedWe significantly extended the duration of the old perk “Improved Disintegrate” Did you redesign Gjallarhorn? Gjallarhorn will remain a Year One Exotic at Year One levels So which is it? From the weekly it appears all exotics are not going to be considered for year 2. This magazine/article indicates otherwise. Is it poor communication on bungies part as the above gives the appearance not everything will be given a year 2 upgrade or is it something else? I mean, if it was their intention all along, why not just say it, either in the reveal or forums? This whole thing smells funny. Personally I wouldn't hedge my bets you'll be able to keep the majority of exotics current.
Edited by BanditNation: 8/28/2015 11:25:34 PMAs long as Gjallarhorn does not ascend, I'm fine with the rest being ascended.
The models and the exotic frame works are incomplete. big new projects aren't exactly a 1+1 job. You want to try and code all that in like a month?
Bungie historically with Destiny seems to be slow when it comes to updates/ hot fixes. It took nine months to get Necro fixed, how long will this take?
Unfortunately, I do not trust the network of hamsters and Magic 8 Balls that Bungie seems to be using to make almost all forms of "decisions"
Bungie listen here. DO NOT BRING THE -blam!-1NG THORN INTO YEAR 2, ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THIS -blam!-1ING RETARDED. I hope this is seen, give me a ban, inb4 OP is a whinny pleb.
Let's just hope Thorn takes a little bit longer than the rest to update... I'm looking forward to the next Iron Banner(s) without it being so prevalent.
why dont they let us just upgrade them with exotic shards again?
I'm not deleting anything because i'm pretty sure they eventually go: "remember those legendaries you deleted during TTK? You can ascend those and rare gear as well."
Austin approves
Well everyone got what they want for ALL year one exotics to be upgraded to year 2. Now let's complain about the OP exotics we wanted to go to year 2 not to go to year 2 yea.
Sadly your intelligence will not
Ps4 ftw
I REALLY hope this is accurate
Bump for later^
what's with the playstation exclusive armour sets? I like the concept of armour sets but as an XB1 player I get shafted very dissapointing, somehow my 40 bucks is worth less because i chose a different console?
They said that already in the reveal last week. People just glossed over it when he said "not this time"
Where is xür
I feel like they are waiting to see if the changes to the exotics work out and then release a way to ascend them.
Their track record on doing things like this in a timely fashion is so stellar, cough cough nechrochasm buff a week before TTK and then its dead again for who know how long cough cough. WTF come on.
The fact that anyone believes anything Bungie promises is astounding. That video was..... damage control. It was meant to diffuse community uproar. They have no intention of following through. Remember the "lost raid" fiasco from HoW? Remember the "something better" for year one players? Even the "in depth" look at the Dreadnaught that was hyped a few weeks ago turned out to be a 10 minute run through strike. Bungievi$ion craves your dollars. They will promise anything to get your money (and have). Once you come to terms with that fact, you can make proper decisions about their products. Like it? Fine. Don't like it? Great. At least be informed about your decisions and not come from either a "fanboy" or "hater" perspective.
My only problem with this is that when Bungie says "soon" that more or less means months. Therefore, "over time" must really mean years. I'm just saying.