"Who are you? Why are you on the ship without permission? TALK."
http://starsfive.tumblr.com/image/97453925091 "I'm looking for someone."
"Well, if you insist on knowing, my sister."
"Which is...?"
"Her name's Kira. I snuck my way onto a military warship once I caught word of their hunting her down. And I just found out why."
"I think she's around somewhere."
"Alright. Thanks. By the way...standing up to the Athene like that. Ballsy move." [b]Talis starts walking away.[/b]
"I believe we could've taken them."
[b]Talis laughs.[/b] "Believe me. They're more than you'd ever imagine. You never want to cross paths with ships like the Athene."
"You have no idea what we've handled in the past."
[b]Talis nods.[/b] "You have a point, but I could easily say the same. That bomb I used was enough to destroy a moon, and it just barely took down the Athene.
"Good to have you on our side I guess."
"Yeah." [b]Talis walks away.[/b]