Doesn't Bungie see all the negative feedback? Surely they know they are doing something wrong...
There has been a lot of talk about the exotics and legendaries being removed or nerfed, so why doesn't Bungie do something about it? Are the rumours true? If they are, I don't think a single player is going to be happy! All of our hard work and time!
There have been rumours that it's "too late to make changes", but even if that is true, I think we'd all be much happier if they delayed the new launch just to make a few tweaks! I hope they do that, because I really don't want my (hard earned) gear messed with!
Also, just because an exotic (like the Gjallahorn) is OP, doesn't mean you have to nerf it! The whole reason people work so hard to get it is because of the fact that it IS OP! It's ruining the whole experience and excitement of getting the gun in the first place! Please Bungie, don't nerf our exotics!
Please, if you agree with any of my points or opinions, please say so! We need to get the message to Bungie! Don't throw away all of our hard work! Please Bungie!
Dear Community, We hear you,...we don't have an adequate answer for you so please give us one more year's worth of your money in order to come up with a story of plausible deniability and technically feasible but improbable rationale for our behavior. Sincerely, Bungievision