[b]The guards all stop for a moment, then crouch down with their rifles ready. one of them speaks:[/b] "PLEASE DROP THE RIFLE SIR!"
If you want it come and take it
[b]They exchange glances, then one slowly approaches you.[/b]
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 8/27/2015 11:38:52 PM*steps forward and kicks him in the shin then shoots him in the head* Wow you were head over heels to come near me
Edited by bagelbro123: 8/28/2015 1:46:58 PM[b]The guards quickly call for backup and soon, more than 24 guards stand in the room, laser sights trained on you.[/b] [spoiler]show me how badass you are and kill all of these guys. then get thrown in a stasis cell. simple. but I'll let you out.. don't think i can? read the Professor's bio.[/spoiler]
*holsters my handgun and holds up my hands* Alright you got me
[b]One slowly approaches you to handcuff you. as he does so, his hands are shaking and trembling in fear.[/b] [spoiler]if you decide to go with them peacefully, they'll just walk you down stairs and realize the stasis cells are deactivated, probably where you will kill them.[/spoiler]
*as soon as the cuffs are on I grab him and shatter his spine with one blow to the top of the skull* Seems like a pretty even fight now that I'm cuffed
[b]they all open fire on you. none have FMJ bullets, but the constant fire can quickly weaken you to the point where bullets DO start to hurt you.[/b]
*stands completely still and something other than blood leaks out of the wounds* Hmm....very interesting
[b]a few of the men run away in terror, deserting. the ones who stay quickly glance back then look at you, maybe desert with them. some even turn and shoot the deserters. then they resume fire.[/b]
*after a few more shots land I seem to explode covering everything in dark matter*
[b]The Professor turns away from the blast, quickly covering his items (two books and his strange cube) in his jacket, he then turns and draws out a sword that seems to glow. The guards are scared for their lives, and most all of them run away, few remain (4 maybe)[/b]
*the doors are sealed and something moves in the dark matter*
[b]The Professor stands on guard, swiveling with his sword in front of him, giving him light, and the guards still ON guard are looking around for you, flashlights nearly useless. the ones who tried to defect now pound against the door, begging to be let out. one of the guards sees something move, and fires 3 bullets, missing completely.[/b]
*rushes him and splits him in half*
[b]the 5 other guards quickly run towards the one dead one, looking at his corpse.[/b]
*lands on one of them feet first shattering his skull then jumping onto another ripping his head off*
[b]the last one drops his gun and begins to rock back and forth in outright terror[/b]
*kicks the last one into a wall, as he rebounds I drive my hand through his chest and rip out his heart* Thanks for your heart [spoiler]btw he should live for about a minute before bleeding out[/spoiler]
[spoiler]with no heart he would die instantly..... wait... i see where your going with this.[/spoiler] [b]The Professor walks over and shoots the guard in his face, closing his eyes by putting his hand over them. he turns towards you.[/b] "Why the hell would you do that!!!!!!!!!??????"
*crushes the heart* Soul collecting
"Dammit Lethal..." [b]he walks towards the door.[/b] (frustrated voice) "Open the door please."
*all the darkness shatters and the jar on the table starts vibrating*
Edited by bagelbro123: 8/28/2015 3:11:28 PM[b](did the door open?)[/b]