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originally posted in: By popular crybaby demand
8/27/2015 11:14:26 PM
Yea bud never made any argument towards supers I was just using it as an example for what warlocks and Titans bitch about. And you act like there was no crucible before the people on twitch.. That actually makes me angry. Because not only did I play in the crucible before all of those streamers became possible I'm pretty sure [b]A LOT[/b] of other people did as well. We are talking about a game that has had a 20 million player base... When numbers get into the millions especially over the span of an entire year shits just gonna start to blend together. And any players playing now will never be able to adjust the stats, maybe by 0.001 at a time, but that's it. It's rock solid. Maybe [b]YOU[/b] didn't play crucible because you needed to watch others to knock off the training wheels but your argument makes no sense.. At all Maybe go back, read, and try again

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