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originally posted in: By popular crybaby demand
8/27/2015 11:45:24 PM
Once again you have failed to refute any points I made in even my original post. You made several posts insulting me, sure, once again. You're telling me to log off the forums, but you seem to be taking these forums so seriously that you [i]actually get angry over them[/i]. Keep living your life attempting to call other people hypocritical, when you can't even provide a stable argument that contrasts with an argument made against your [i]original point[/i] without insulting someone - and you call me a child?

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  • Bro you're calling your opinions facts... You said that the crucible wasn't popular until streamers got popular. But how do you know that? You don't. And you said that you played the crucible before the streamers too, and so did I. And if it wasn't just you and I playing all this time then I'm gonna go ahead and guess that a few million people took to the crucible before it was "popular". Which again with so many people logging on and stop playing and other people continuing to play and change. The numbers will start to blend making them useless. Which is why I over exaggerated and used something as outrageous as my 1994 comment. [spoiler]See I did that all without insults[/spoiler] [spoiler]Now the mean part, I seriously cannot put up with people being stupid. Like you're gonna blast your opinions and hold onto them like a religion and it's the same with everyone else on the forums. All the arguments are the same after they lose the first point. Like you went to stats and insulted my grammar or how I communicate to others such as yourselves. And you say that I didn't address them but I did you just are blind to it like I said in the comment before cause that's just what people do I guess, stupid people. It's like a plague seriously and I can no longer spend anymore time on you cause I honestly feel like if I let you corrupt me with your stupid I actually become something like you. Just a opinion hugging idoit[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Fur Hammerlock: 8/28/2015 12:03:47 AM
    The only thing I claimed as fact was that once people started streaming and making the Crucible more publicly popular, the numbers weren't as large as they are now - nowhere near it. Yes, there were players. No, not as much. Then you say "if I let you corrupt me with your stupid I actually become smoething like you. Just an opinion hugging idiot." Ok, so all of the ridiculous opinions and insults you made in your OP to the OP - that wasn't all opinions that you're currently defending, right? You keep talking about me being a hypocrite, but you don't seem to realize that you're doing the same thing. After all, that's what an argument is. It's a debate of opinions or hot topics. For example, you stating your opinion: "Hunters supers were nerfed several times already." What? No. No Subclass has ever been touched save for a couple bug fixes, that's it. Like the Super/Swarm Grenade exploit. No classes or subclasses or supers, or grenades have [i]EVER[/i] been nerfed. The only nerf that's [i]coming[/i] is the Blink nerf in TTK, which despite some people's opinions - the masses agree with the nerf.

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  • Golden gun got a range nerf and bladedancer got an orb nerf so yeah...

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  • No they didn't. Find me a direct link to the patch notes that dictates this, because I am 99% sure that this never happened. Golden Gun even has a perk to increase it's range and accuracy. Bladedancer has always produced very little orbs, always.

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  • Are yall breaking up? My heart hurt reading this exchange.

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  • The GG nerf was accidental when they did the range nerf on hand cannons

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  • Edited by fatymatpat: 8/28/2015 12:19:10 AM
    Hey guess what no where did I say that my statements were facts.. I was saying that your opinions, the ones that you literally said were "well-known fact" was an opinion.... And now you've somehow spun everything I've said about you onto me.. But you have to realize the only reason I was on you about those things was because you were claiming your opinions were facts.. So of course they appeal to me because I was never trying to spit facts or claim what I said were facts.... [spoiler]Seriously please stop replying you're starting to make me stupid[/spoiler].. Like you came at me saying that my comment wasn't correct because more people are playing destiny now because of streamers.. And look where we are now, I didn't lead us down this path. Your stupidity has lead me to have to question myself and argue with you (a loser) about something I don't care about. [spoiler]Im gonna have to block you now cause I'm assuming you're a troll and I know how annoying they can be, you're just gonna drag this on until this happens anyway so before it gets more out of hand have fun with your three brain cells, try not to bang your head on anything.[/spoiler]

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