Bungie just going to make us pay for another 2 months of grind. It's not an "experience" if it's boring and a waste of my time. If this dlc ends up being like the last 2, I'm just going to put Destiny on the shelf and let it collect dust cause my $40 will be going to games I know I will enjoy like Halo 5, Fallout 4, Battlefront, or Black Ops III.
Bungie has constantly given the middle finger to destiny's most loyal and dedicated players. I bought the original guardian edition that included both dlc, day 1. As of last week's update (with video about 'year one player rewards yours WITH PURCHASE of ttk') I have no plans to buy future content. My decision is entirely based on their business models and treatment of day one players and their time investment. While I don't think this dlc should be priced at $40 for standalone, that and weapons not carrying over weighed least on my decision.