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8/28/2015 1:26:12 AM

Petition to not have us pay $40 for a dlc that isn't worth $20

I don't want to spend $40, it's not worth it


It's sooooo worth $40


Bungie just going to make us pay for another 2 months of grind. It's not an "experience" if it's boring and a waste of my time. If this dlc ends up being like the last 2, I'm just going to put Destiny on the shelf and let it collect dust cause my $40 will be going to games I know I will enjoy like Halo 5, Fallout 4, Battlefront, or Black Ops III.

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  • Everybody values things differently. $40 isn't too much if you have a job. Gas, a nice dinner, or a trip to the bowling alley for example all cost more than $40 for only an hour or a few hours of enjoyment. $40 for hours or days of enjoyment seems good compared to these. Before the entire -blam!-ing forum jumps on me to call me a "dick riding Bungie -blam!-", this is not dick riding. This is simply an explanation of my view. If you think $40 is alot, that is your opinion. But compared to real world applications, it is an okay price.

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