[b]Jack fades away to the nearest terminal.[/b] "Shit shit shit. Come on." [b]He starts hacking[/b]
You hear Ginger over the comms "You'll come across a bump in the road at some point. Use override code [i]August Phantyme[/i], and you'll get past his firewalls. From there, you can find the cause of his rampancy. I'll just hit him in the head as many times as I can."
[b]Comms:[/b] "Will do." [b]He starts hacking through some fire wall and he types in August Phatym and all the fire walls disappear he begins searching through all of the files.[/b]
[b][i]A thud is heard in the background, its echo reverberating throughout the ship as Python is knocked down[/i][/b] "Have you found it yet? I won't be very helpful from now on."
[b]comms:[/b] "I'm getting down to the source. I'm pretty close."
"Good. Tell me when you've found it, so I can run."