Python stands, looking around with magnetic scanners in his optics, he runs thermals as well. He looks around, waiting for something to happen.
[b][i]Ginger expects the switch to optical methods of detection, and quickly detonates a flashbang. Python, who is using thermal, is blinded by the explosion, and doesn't see the gravity hammer that smashes into his face, knocking him into the wall behind him. He also possibly feels another, much so get impact, though that might very well be the wall.[/i][/b]
He slams his fist around and into the wall, bringing down the whole wall. The ceiling weakens and cracks.
[b][i]Ginger quickly increases the gravity near you, crushing you under the ceiling. He then runs away, phasing through walls as he does so. He had done his part, and there was no further need for him to hurt his friend... And vice versa. [/i][/b]
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