So you're gonna act like women are asking for abuse by having their own space?
By restricting certain people from joining it doesn't help solve the issues left behind from the dames scandal
Ladies he thinks there is an issue caused by the dames scandal. Apparently he never heard of sexism until a few weeks ago and he didn't check our clans starting date. Let's just leave the poor kid alone.
For the record I'm a female too
So? You're still ignorant of how the world works and showed up here to victim blame. Either way it's argumentative and rude.
So you're saying if anyone sends me hatemail,it's okay because I'm part of an all girl group?
Whatever I'm done trying help you guys out
Okay,please just explain to me what we need to do.What do you think we should do to stop the abuse?
I've tried and I'm not wasting my time no more, there is no getting through to you as goodbye
Maybe because you're implying we bring this abuse on ourselves? How does disbanding all female groups stop the abuse?Why are location,age and skill based groups okay but gender groups aren't?
K fam
Thank you for admitting defeat.Love proving you noobs wrong.
K sweetie ;)
Made you mad enough to reply though. (: And you were still never able to prove your point further than "because I'm a whinger and I said so!!!"